HGT (Hive Governance Token) is a fundamental part of Project HIVE DAO’s ecosystem. Holding HGT provides voting rights for every DAO initiative. Voting power varies and is linearly changing based on the % of the total number of tokens users own, taking part in a voting for a particular event.
The power of the community
Users acquire a voting right by holding HGT and taking part in voting events. When the DAO event takes place, users choose to take part in a voting process. HGT holder has to choose the number of tokens to reserve for a particular pool. User voting power will then be calculated as a % of user’s HGT, reserved for a particular voting pool, compared to a pool size.
Player | Total HGT on personal wallet | Reserved HGT | Tokens in pool | Voting power |
1 | 2564 | 2564 | 195678 | 1,31% |
2 | 101000 | 5000 | 195678 | 2,56% |
3 | 324 | 324 | 195678 | 0,17% |
4 | 110 | 50 | 195678 | 0,03% |
5 | 23000 | 1000 | 195678 | 0,51% |
6 | 81 | 81 | 195678 | 0,04% |
7 | 5577 | 1000 | 195678 | 0,51% |
8 | 67990 | 30000 | 195678 | 15,33% |
9 | 38700 | 35000 | 195678 | 17,89% |
10 | 11000 | 3000 | 195678 | 1,53% |
11 | 11001 | 7000 | 195678 | 3,58% |
12 | 35007 | 35007 | 195678 | 17,89% |
13 | 652 | 652 | 195678 | 0,33% |
14 | 125000 | 60000 | 195678 | 30,66% |
15 | 19800 | 15000 | 195678 | 7,67% |
As you can see in an example, voting power depends on the reserved tokens amount for a particular pool. User 2 has the biggest total amount of tokens in his wallet, but as he reserved only a small portion of those, his voting power is pretty limited for this particular event. User 12 reserved all his tokens, so his voting power will be rather high. On the other side, he won’t be able to take part in another event, until the current pool is over and reserved tokens unlock, because all his tokens have been reserved.
Initially, we provide a very limited number of events which could be voted for within the DAO ecosystem. The number of events will be widening slowly, but steadily, based on the game development and stabilization of in-game economy.
Last updated